Totara Learn Open Discussions

Course Backup Error

Craig Eves
Re: Course Backup Error
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2024年09月30日 Monday 15:31
小组 Totara

Hi Fabian

Your course probably has a H5P activity in it with a content type (interactive video) not supported by Totara.

We have a recent fix TL-40907 to upgrade the H5P activity in Totara 18.9 so upgrading to this version should resolve this.

If you aren't ready for upgrading then backing up without the H5P activity should let you continue with the course (without the problem activity) ad the H5P can be restored when you have upgraded.


Re: Course Backup Error
EickhoffFabian 发表于 2024年10月4日 Friday 00:38

Hi Craig Eves,

Thank you for your response. Since we're unable to update at the moment, how can I prevent H5P from being included in backups? When I create a manual backup of the course, I can deselect H5P, and the backup completes successfully. However, how can I disable H5P for automatic backups?

Thank you,


Craig Eves
Re: Course Backup Error
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2024年10月6日 Sunday 13:11
小组 Totara

Hi Fabian

Unfortunately Automated backup settings only have the options of selecting all or no activities and resources.

A possible workaround is when the course backup is set to run hide the courses with H5P courses and select the skip hidden courses option and run the automated course backup and do the manual course backup and unhide the courses.

If this isn't feasible then possibly a site backup can be completed or a code customisation could be done to achieve this.


Re: Course Backup Error
ParkerTabitha 发表于 2024年10月15日 Tuesday 18:31

We have issues with course backups for courses with H5P. We would really like to see improvements with H5P if this is core Totara.

Craig Eves
Re: Course Backup Error
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2024年10月15日 Tuesday 19:04
小组 Totara

H Tabitha

There was an option added 18.0 in the course backup interface to Include H5P libraries - if unticked this will greatly reduce the time for backing up.

If you have an earlier version then commenting out $CFG->mod_hvp_backup_libraries in the config.db file will have the same effect.
