Totara Learn Open Discussions

Scheduled Task/Recertification Failure

Johnny Matias
Scheduled Task/Recertification Failure
von Johnny Matias – Thursday, 23 January 2025, 12:16 PM

A similar reference is in my previous discussion: Totara Learn Open Discussions - Recertification Error Message

We currently have a certification setup with a 1-year recurrency. Users are completing the initial course set, the 1-year passes, but the recertification isn't re-opening for users due to the following error message:

ATTENTION! The recertification window was due to open on [Jan 18 2025, 1:41 PM] but has not yet occurred. Window opening should normally have occurred automatically by now, as more than one day has passed. You should contact your site administrator and inform them of this message. You should wait until this problem is resolved before making progress towards recertification. Progress made before the recertification window opens will likely be lost."

In both certifications and all associated courses, the users are confirmed in the audiences, and none of the users are in any of the exceptions. All users have also been confirmed that their recertification window should have been re-triggered by now. As suggested in the previous discussion above, courses are not in other certification, activities appear to be setup correctly, and there are other users who have taken the same certification where the recertification DID work properly.

Not sure if related or a coincidence, but I've noticed that there's a scheduled task that has continued to fail since we've noticed the recertification issue occur that shows a fail delay of 86400, and while the process is setup to run regularly, it has failed for roughly 6 weeks. Unfortunately, I'm not sure why this is failing.


  1. What causes the scheduled task to fail and/or suggestions for how to get this scheduled task to reprocess?

  2. If the recertification not opening is not in reference to the scheduled task, are there suggestions for a fix to the recertification error message above?

We're currently in Totara v18

Craig Eves
Re: Scheduled Task/Recertification Failure
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Sunday, 26 January 2025, 5:55 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Johnny

Are you or your partner able to create a support ticket with details of the certification settings . The update certification is not completing properly which could happen if there is a loop such as a user is getting taken out of an audience that enrols them in the certification with another audience enrolling them back in the certfifiation.
