Suggest Totara Talent Experience Platform features

Welcome to the Suggest Totara Talent Experience Platform features forum. In this forum you can suggest enhancements to the Totara Talent Experience Platform, or add your vote to suggestions made by others. Before you post a suggestion please search for previously submitted suggestions, it may be that there is already a thread similar to your idea.

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דיוןנפתח על ידיתגובותהודעה אחרונה
Add Google reCAPTCHA v3 Support Stuart Elliot Stuart Elliot 0 Stuart Elliot
19/04/2024, 08:12
TL-40054 Allow MFA to be assigned to other roles (V18 forward) Rob Bloor Rob Bloor 0 Rob Bloor
5/03/2024, 01:26
TL-39726 SAML - Multiple signing certificates me George Angus 0 George Angus
13/02/2024, 17:05
FTE hours metadata for Learner Profile harry woodward-clarke harry woodward-clarke 2 Daniel Bond
5/02/2024, 03:09
Multitenancy Set Audience Shailesh Todkari Shailesh Todkari 0 Shailesh Todkari
21/12/2023, 05:11
Certificate Shailesh Todkari Shailesh Todkari 0 Shailesh Todkari
21/12/2023, 05:06
TL-40056 Evidence Bank Verification Check Step Georgina Christodoulou Georgina Christodoulou 1 Georgina Christodoulou
29/11/2023, 23:48
Feature Request: Audience Change preview David Thorp David Thorp 1 Raechel Wilson
31/10/2023, 16:56
The Perform 'Open Discussion' button is linked to the 'Engage' forum?? Paul Roberts Paul Roberts 0 Paul Roberts
28/07/2023, 02:51
Time spent in Seminars (Zoom & Teams) and attendance automation Roger Dominguez Roger Dominguez 0 Roger Dominguez
20/07/2023, 06:44
Report Filters based on value of aggregated columns Daniel Bond Daniel Bond 0 Daniel Bond
10/07/2023, 05:20
Column Headings on long pages harry woodward-clarke harry woodward-clarke 0 harry woodward-clarke
9/05/2023, 21:10
Completion Notification Grace Kim Grace Kim 1 Rob Lenihan
22/03/2023, 20:32
Hide/disable comments for resources Andrew Robinson Andrew Robinson 0 Andrew Robinson
22/11/2022, 14:58
Code text formatting options Andrew Robinson Andrew Robinson 3 Bryn Whyman
20/11/2022, 15:09
Help us improve Totara's content editor tool Profile 1 Kevin Smith 1 Andrew Robinson
15/11/2022, 15:20
Suggested feature: A multitenant "user manager" can overwrite participant's profile fields with csv bulk upload. Faruq Fayaz Faruq Fayaz 0 Faruq Fayaz
29/09/2022, 00:47
Managing multiple cohorts through a course or programme John Jackson John Jackson 1 Simon Seiffert
1/08/2022, 17:47
TL-40055 My Reports enhancements Georgina Christodoulou Georgina Christodoulou 0 Georgina Christodoulou
7/09/2021, 22:06
Tenant Branding Persists upon Logout Scott Skiba Scott Skiba 0 Scott Skiba
22/06/2021, 07:24
Microsoft Files Activity Download Sue Blake Sue Blake 0 Sue Blake
5/02/2021, 01:50