Suggest Totara Perform features

Welcome to the Suggest Totara Perform features forum. In this forum you can suggest enhancements to Totara Perform, or add your vote to suggestions made by others. Before you post a suggestion please search for previously submitted suggestions, it may be that there is already a thread similar to your idea.

To support any suggestion within this Forum, please add the +1 rating to the original post using the rating box - you do not need to add a separate post unless you have a specific requirement in mind.

Suggestions will be monitored and considered by Totara. When a suggestion is scheduled for development a post will be added to the thread.

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Due dates in performance activities HunterRebecca HunterRebecca 3 HunterRebecca
2024年03月20日 Wednesday 02:36
Suggested changes for v19 PadaruthJeet PadaruthJeet 3 MundyAshley
2024年03月18日 Monday 13:25
Text Editor Improvements BondDaniel BondDaniel 2 BondDaniel
2024年02月22日 Thursday 00:44
Competency completion by peers BondDaniel BondDaniel 2 BondDaniel
2024年02月22日 Thursday 00:41
Submit Perform Activity - add option to submit draft MarshallSimon MarshallSimon 0 MarshallSimon
2023年09月5日 Tuesday 18:14
Collated email for notifications to manager DonaghyKevin DonaghyKevin 3 TaiwoOlumuyiwa
2023年07月31日 Monday 14:18
Perform activity progress in audiences DonaghyKevin DonaghyKevin 2 DonaghyKevin
2023年06月16日 Friday 00:33
Support aspirational position in competencies KilshawBrendan KilshawBrendan 2 WilliscroftPhil
2023年04月12日 Wednesday 13:19
Duplication of scales and frameworks MilaneseErin MilaneseErin 4 MilaneseErin
2023年02月17日 Friday 10:43
Improvement to Competencies Reporting RaynKatherine RaynKatherine 0 RaynKatherine
2022年05月4日 Wednesday 14:49
Refreshable/Repeatable Competencies JumailyNaif JumailyNaif 4 WilliscroftPhil
2022年01月26日 Wednesday 21:28
Create ability to bulk add ne achievement paths DuffelenTom DuffelenTom 1 WilliscroftPhil
2022年01月24日 Monday 15:49
User generated performance feedback WilliscroftPhil WilliscroftPhil 1 GreinerChristian
2022年01月22日 Saturday 09:58
该论坛讨论已删除 ?? ?? 0 ??
2020年10月28日 Wednesday 06:24