Best practice forum (Archived)

Navigation menu not displaying on web from reverse proxy

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Navigation menu not displaying on web from reverse proxy
di ? ? - Wednesday, 1 April 2015, 18:01

Hi all,

I am new here so please excuse any mistakes. 

I would like to know if anyone else has previously set up Totara, but running it behind a Reverse Proxy? We are running Totara 2.7.1.

We have set up Totara behind our Reverse Proxy server (IBM WebSEAL v6.1.1) which sits in our DMZ network, but the Totara web pages do not display correctly - i.e. images in the Navigation menu are not displaying, and the "Site Administration" menu link does not work when users click on it. It would seem that the Reverse Proxy might be having troubles with the CSS / Javascript / AJAX, but still unsure at this stage.

Will be logging a support call with IBM, but would like to hear if anyone else has had similar experiences with Reverse Proxy -> Totara?

Thanks for any thoughts and help



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Re: Navigation menu not displaying on web from reverse proxy
di ? ? - Tuesday, 7 April 2015, 11:02

We use reverse SSL proxy extensively without issue. Not with the product you are using though.


Just wanted to suggest having a look at this setting in config-dist.php:

// Enable when using external SSL appliance for performance reasons.
// Please note that site may be accessible via http: or https:, but not both!
// $CFG->sslproxy = true;