Best practice forum (Archived)

Certification - launch button greyed out

? ?
Certification - launch button greyed out
de ? ? - Thursday, 29 de January de 2015, 05:54

Hi all,

I'm new to Totara so hope you can help.  I have a certification which includes a single course.  Everything is set up okay as far as I can see and to test I have 4 users who are enrolled on the certfication as individuals.

I have audience based visibility on and both the actual course and certification is set to viewable to enrolled users and audience.

The option to launch the course within the certification is greyed out.  Do I also need to double up and enrol the same users at course level for this to become available?

Many thanks in advance,


Michael Robbie
Re: Certification - launch button greyed out
de Michael Robbie - Thursday, 29 de January de 2015, 16:57
Grupo Good learner 2023Grupo Learn Site AdministratorGrupo Partners


Check you have 'program enrolments' plugin visible and set up on the courses.

? ?
Re: Certification - launch button greyed out
de ? ? - Thursday, 5 de February de 2015, 08:47

Thanks Mike.  Got it all sorted.