Best practice forum (Archived)

Course templates

? ?
Course templates
di ? ? - Wednesday, 27 April 2011, 23:36


What are these Course templates (see: Totara comparison table > page 2 > Course management)? Can't find any help from FAQ or help topics.

Thanks :-)

- Jani -

Simon Coggins
Re: Course templates
di Simon Coggins - Wednesday, 4 May 2011, 22:04
Gruppo Totara

Hi Jani,

I'm afraid it looks like that is an error. We'll make sure we update the comparison table.

I think it was a potential feature that never got developed - the idea was that you could create 'templates' of courses which you could base a new course off.

You can duplicate the functionality by creating a hidden course and using backup and restore to make new 'copies' of it.


? ?
Re: Course templates
di ? ? - Thursday, 5 May 2011, 02:17

Hi Simon,

thanks for this information. Dublicating courses and activities via backup/restore is already familiar to me - it's very useful feature in Totara :-)

Are there any future plans to develop this kind of "template" feature?

Best regards, Jani