Best practice forum (Archived)

Certification Upload Completion Records

? ?
Certification Upload Completion Records
von ? ? – Friday, 6. March 2015, 06:12

Hi all,

I've set up a certification and assigned some audiences to it.

I also had a list of users who had already completed the certification prior to it being held on Totara.  I completed a certification upload certification.

When i did this, it added all those on the sheet as individual learners in the assignments tab of the certification.  I expect this is what it is meant to do, however do I then still need to click the 'set completion' details for each and every user?  I thought the completion date in the upload would have done that.

Also, i looked at the record of learning for one of those users and it's imported the information about when they next have to do the certification and when it re-opens, however it doesn't have the previous completions details.  Should this be populated from the csv upload too?

A certification 'programme overdue' message has gone out and those on that list have been sent the email, even though they were uploaded as having completed it.

Andy help would be much appreciated.

Nathan Lewis
Re: Certification Upload Completion Records
von Nathan Lewis – Tuesday, 10. March 2015, 14:01
Gruppe Totara

Hi Andy.

There's a few things going on here, so I'll break it down.

First, the completion date. When you "Upload certification csv", the "completiondate" says when a user completed the certification. This is different from the "Complete" field in the assignments tab, which is where you can specify when a user needs to complete their certification. There is no link between the two pieces of data. If you want to set specific dates when a user needs to complete their certification then you need to set that using the assignment tab's "Set completion" interface.

Immediately after upload, when you look at a user's record of learning, I imagine you saw the completion date equal to the date in the record you uploaded and the expiration date being on "active period" after that. Assuming the current date was after the "window opens" date, then running the cron will cause some recalculations to occur. The completion data you just uploaded would be archived and new "window opens", "time expires" and "completion date" will be calculated. If the current date is past expiry, the record ends up with these fields empty, as the user has "failed to recertify" and there was no "Completion date" in the assignments tab, and is set back to the primary certification stage. The previous completion record will be visible by clicking the "Previous completions" link in the record of learning.

The program overdue message has gone out because the system calculated that the user was overdue to recertify. The way certifications are meant to be used is that they manage a process where a user becomes certified, then at regular intervals they need to redo some course content to recertify, thus keeping their certified status. If they fail to recertify by the given expiry date then they lose the certified status and need to do the initial certification course content again. Perhaps you were intending that once a person has certified, they have that status forever? In that case, you should probably be using a program instead of a certification. But I'm not sure if there's a simple way of uploading program completion data like there is for certifications, so an alternative solution would be to set the certification "active period" to 100 years, so they wouldn't have to do the recertification process until they're so old that they probably can't remember their own names, let alone the initial certification process.


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Nathan Lewis
Re: Certification Upload Completion Records
von Nathan Lewis – Wednesday, 11. March 2015, 13:09
Gruppe Totara

Hi Amir and Andy.

Amir, you're spot on with those observations. I'll get someone to create a feature request for program completion upload, but I'd suggest it's not high priority since we've already got three alternate solutions to the problem.


? ?
Re: Certification Upload Completion Records
von ? ? – Wednesday, 11. March 2015, 14:02

HI Nathan and Amir, and thank you for your replies.

I used certification because it is a specific course that needs to be retaken every two years by all staff.

The certification did already exist in the system, so when I uploaded the 'certification complete record' CSV file, it did add the record to the My Learning under the certifications tab.  All good so far and as it should be, and it did show when the users next had to take the course and when the window re-opens.  So all working as it should.

Because of that, I did not set the 'set completion' in the assignments tab of the certification page as I assumed (wrongly it seems) that the 'set completion' would automatically take the due date from the upload.

I guess I need to do that so that the system knows it's not due and will not send a programme overdue reminder to those users.  However, there are over 200 staff members that have already done it.  As the upload CSV adds them all as individuals to the assignments tab, I'd have to do that one by one (as there doesn't seem to be a 'set completion for all individuals' option.  Is that correct?

Thanks again for the replies.  Just to confirm, I know believe that when you upload users that have completed the certification, you still have to then go in and set the 'set completion' for each of those in the assignments tab also.


Nathan Lewis
Re: Certification Upload Completion Records
von Nathan Lewis – Wednesday, 11. March 2015, 17:08
Gruppe Totara

Hi Andy.

Yes, you need to 'set completion' for each individual manually. Alternately, you could assign all the users to an audience, add the audience to the certification, then 'set completion' for the audience.

About the program overdue message - I tried to recreate this but I couldn't. It might be that my dates are wrong or something. Anyway, what I was trying to do was test what happens if the user is already assigned to the certification before you upload the certification history data. I was hoping to find that if they were already assigned, then uploading (at least with the "Override" option disabled) would prevent the overdue messages from going out. I'm guessing that the overdue messages are caused by uploading users who are not currently assigned, then running cron, which sees that those historical records have expired, so it send the overdue messages, then resets the certifications.


? ?
Re: Certification Upload Completion Records
von ? ? – Thursday, 12. March 2015, 00:54

Thanks again for your help.  All of the users have a different completed date, so I'll have to go and do each individual manually.  Never mind.

I think the overdue message went because they were enrolled, but without the set completion how would totara know whether they had completed it or not. 

Again, thanks for the support.