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Umberto Zaccaro
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על ידי Umberto Zaccaro בתאריך 23/04/2015, 00:00
קבוצה Partners

Hi All,

With Totara Competencies Management is it possible:

a) Create a Scale competencies named:SCALE_A whit three value Hight, Medium, Low (and this is ok)
b) Create a Competence named:ENGLISH and assign SCALE_A (and this is ok)
c) Assign, the competece ENGLISH with the SCALE_A value "Low", to Course named "SPEAKING ENGLISH BASIC" (and this is ok)
d) Assign, the competeceENGLISH with the SCALE_A value "Medium", to Course named "SPEAKING ENGLISH ADVANCED" (and this is ok)

When the student Umberto  achieve the course: SPEAKING ENGLISH ADVANCED where is possible find/display that Umberto acquired the competence SPEAKING ENGLISH Medium ?

When the student Gianluca  achieve the course: SPEAKING ENGLISH BASIC where is possible find/display that Gianluca acquired the competence SPEAKING ENGLISH Medium ?

Is it possible  find the student with competence ENGLISH Medium ?


Thank you very much.

Kind Regards
