Best practice forum (Archived)

Email Notification on Course Enrolment

? ?
Email Notification on Course Enrolment
di ? ? - Tuesday, 31 March 2015, 01:26

Good morning all,

I think I'm probably missing something really obvious, but is there a setting to automatically notify a user when they are enrolled on a course (like the certification), but for a normal course?

Is this a site wide setting, or can you set it up so you can choose what courses get automatic email notifications on enrolment?

I know that you can create a message to selected enrolled users once enrolled, but is there a set up where it will automatically email the user saying they've been enrolled with a link to the course?

Many thanks in advance,



Re: Email Notification on Course Enrolment
di George Angus - Wednesday, 1 April 2015, 15:25
Gruppo Totara

Hi Andy,

This isnt possible for a single course, the best way to achieve this would be to simply create a program and put the course in that - there are a variety of customisable messages available which you could fine-tune to suit your needs.



? ?
Re: Email Notification on Course Enrolment
di ? ? - Tuesday, 7 April 2015, 11:05

This may be of help:

It is not set up to be configurable per course, but perhaps its a good start or something Totara dev can take into consideration.

