Best practice forum (Archived)

Unable to update Organization description 2.7.1

Peter Pappas
Unable to update Organization description 2.7.1
di Peter Pappas - Saturday, 25 April 2015, 09:31

When I attempt to update the organizational description in Hierarchies the data is not saved.

If I only click the save changes button in the hierarchy for organization the description is deleted.

Running Totara LMS 2.7.1

Also getting errors when importing

Import Log has

14 25 Apr 2015 at 16:21:23 org Error populatesynctablecsv could not import all records

Is this a bug with the description field? Description is enabled on the org configuration.


Thank you,



Peter Pappas
Re: Unable to update Organization description 2.7.1
di Peter Pappas - Sunday, 26 April 2015, 04:25

I figured out what I had wrong in my CVS file for uploading (time modified field is required. If left empty it works. With a date in it, the upload throws an error which may be due to the format.)

There seems to be a bug in the organizational hierarchy where the description block gets erased when clicking save changes even if no changes where made.

Tom Ireland
Re: Unable to update Organization description 2.7.1
di Tom Ireland - Tuesday, 28 April 2015, 03:17
Gruppo Totara

Hi, Peter

Thank you for making us aware of your issue. To ensure that we can track your issue and provide updates on progress throughout investigation, please could you contact your Totara Solution Partner and request that they file a support ticket with us with the details that you have provided here and applicable replication steps?

