Best practice forum (Archived)

TOTARA Sync of Secondary Positon

Simon Coggins
Re: TOTARA Sync of Secondary Positon
door Simon Coggins - Friday, 10 April 2015, 11:16 AM
Groep Totara

Hi Dan,

I'd just like to follow up on this point:

We're not really interested in a position being "primary" or "secondary", what we want is that one person can have multiple positions that all work in the same way.

I've just been considering if I can make user positions completely independent from a site-wide "type" like primary or secondary. Unfortunately I ran into a few issues:

  • We may want to allow admins to configure rules relating to certain positions (like you must specify your organisation for the primary position but not secondary). For that to work we need "named" positions.
  • Totara Sync would need to be able to identify the position across the site so data for multiple users could be synced into a single position "type".
  • When assigning learning "to a position" you need something that's consistent across users to assign to.

While some of these things could be worked around by allowing "custom" positions as well as named ones, my preference for simplicity would be to require the admin to create positions before people could populate them.

In your case it might mean creating a bunch of positions (Position 1-10 say) to make sure there are enough available for use.

Can you foresee any major problems with that approach?
