Best practice forum (Archived)

Checklist Activity in Totara v2.5?

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Checklist Activity in Totara v2.5?
door ? ? - Saturday, 23 May 2015, 15:04 PM


I've been asked to create a To Do list within my LMS. After some investigation I believe I might be able to achieve what I need using the 'Checklist' activity. However I don't seem to have this activity within my standard functionality.

Do I have to get my partner company to install this as a plugin or is it something I can do myself?

Or can anyone suggest another way to create a To Do list using standard Totara 2.5 functionality



Re: Checklist Activity in Totara v2.5?
door George Angus - Sunday, 24 May 2015, 19:57 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Noreen,

There's a checklist plugin here but Id strongly advise working with your partner on the installation. Torara doesnt support this plugin.

