Best practice forum (Archived)

Bulk assigning roles to staff

Rob Bloor
Bulk assigning roles to staff
di Rob Bloor - Tuesday, 4 March 2014, 06:29

Hi, my first of hopefully 2 quick queries.  For the purpose of reporting I want to assign over 1000 managers to the “staff manger” role.  They are all assigned via Totara sync but is there any way  I can bulk assign them to this role?  Otherwise allowing managers to manage their staff via reporting all falls down.


Pete Potter
Re: Bulk assigning roles to staff
di Pete Potter - Tuesday, 4 March 2014, 08:24

Hi Rob,

If they are assigned using Totara Sync they should have access to the reports. Just ensure that you tick the 'access in any context' rather than 'system context' option in the report access tab.



? ?
Re: Bulk assigning roles to staff
di ? ? - Tuesday, 4 March 2014, 12:45

Yes Sync should be able to assign Managers to users using the Manager's idnumber in the User source. And this should give the manager the Staff Manager role - but the Staff Manager role operates at the context of the user, not at system level. Which is why the reports would need to allow access to the Staff Manager role in any context.

It should work, if not there's a bug somewhere so let us know how you get on!

? ?
Re: Bulk assigning roles to staff
di ? ? - Tuesday, 4 March 2014, 12:56

Also 2.6 is adding functionality to be able to assign Roles to an Audience so there will be more bulk role assignment options shortly.

Rob Bloor
Re: Bulk assigning roles to staff
di Rob Bloor - Thursday, 6 March 2014, 08:34

Yes, thanks spent time testing and all seems OK, Rob

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? ?
Re: Bulk assigning roles to staff
di ? ? - Wednesday, 18 February 2015, 12:57

Hi Sam,

The Staff Manager role is assigned to managers in the user context, not the system context.