Best practice forum (Archived)

Audience unenrolling users in a certification

Peter Pappas
Audience unenrolling users in a certification
بواسطة Monday, 20 July 2015, 7:31 PM - Peter Pappas

I have an issue or perhaps a gap in my knowledge of audience based enrollments and certifications. Anyone who can provide some insight or clarity I would be grateful.

In our LMS, Totara 2.7.3, I have an audience that enrolls users in a recurring certification based on their course completion date (within the past 365 days, 24 months, 3 years, and etc.).

The users were enrolled and showed as manual enrollments during upload of course completion records. (So far so good).

When the certification program runs and the window opens the completion criteria for the course is reset as is required and the learner is able to complete the course. The old completion record is "archived" and shows as previous completions in the record of learning. (Again so far so good).

The problem is that when the audience runs again the learner is removed from the audience because the course completion data is archived and the course is no longer available to the learner.

When certifications run the next time the learner's record (certifications) renewal status shows as due for renewal, Status shows as Completed (prior to unassigned from Recurring Course).

When the learner clicks the certification the course he must take is greyed out and he can not launch it.

In the record of learning(courses) the user is no longer enrolled in the course and can not launch there either.

at this point the only action I can take is manual enrollment again.

Does anyone have any idea of what I am doing wrong?

Thank you,



? ?
Re: Audience unenrolling users in a certification
بواسطة Tuesday, 21 July 2015, 9:50 AM - ? ?

We've actually worked on a patch that allows for a dynamic audience rule based on historical course completion. Sounds like it might be what you need. I do not remember if we provided that back to Totara or not.



Peter Pappas
Re: Audience unenrolling users in a certification
بواسطة Tuesday, 21 July 2015, 11:16 AM - Peter Pappas

Hi Jamie,


Thank you for the response. Is this a normal behavior then for uploaded course completions?


? ?
Re: Audience unenrolling users in a certification
بواسطة Tuesday, 21 July 2015, 2:14 PM - ? ?

I believe it to be normal, yes, but a somewhat unexpected side effect when used in conjunction with certifications. The dynamic audience rule for course completion just looks at current completion records. When certification window re-opens, those course completion records are removed/moved to the historical course completions table in the db, and the audience rule doesn't look there. I don't believe the dynamic audience rule for course completion was ever intended to work on historical course completions, but this is just likely a use case that was not considered or brought to attention.

I have submitted the patch to Totara. It was for 25 but it should be easy to do the same for 27 as it wasn't all that complex.

Tom Wood
Re: Audience unenrolling users in a certification
بواسطة Friday, 13 November 2015, 3:35 AM - Tom Wood
مجموعة Totara

Hi Jamie,

Following the review of this suggested feature we notice that you mention a patch that you'd worked on. Are you able to provide this so that we can consider this for inclusion?

FYI The feature request (tracked under request ID TL-7106) has been deemed high priority and is under consideration for development by Totara core.

This does not indicate a delivery commitment.  Development of the functionality is subject to further prioritization and resource availability.

Development priorities are reviewed regularly.  If you wish to escalate your market need for this functionality, please contact your Totara Channel Partner Manager.

? ?
Re: Audience unenrolling users in a certification
بواسطة Friday, 13 November 2015, 11:50 AM - ? ?

Hi Tom. I will PM you.

? ?
Re: Audience unenrolling users in a certification
بواسطة Friday, 13 November 2015, 12:07 PM - ? ?

Hello Tom. I went to open a ticket to send the patch but then realized that I had already done so on 7/21 of this year. It was for but should be fairly portable to newer Totara I think. Please check our helpdesk ticket #2568 for that original communication.


