Best practice forum (Archived)

Can HR Import control Audiences on load?

Can HR Import control Audiences on load?
UnneverJohn 发表于 2015年07月23日 Thursday 13:35
小组 Partners

When importing users using the HR Import tool, is there a way to control what audience the users are put into with it?  Or do the users have to be loaded first, then moved to an audience?  It would be really nice to control this with the csv using HR Import.

Re: Can HR Import control Audiences on load?
WoodTom 发表于 2015年07月28日 Tuesday 09:27
小组 Totara

Hi John,
If you use the dynamic audience option it is possible to assign users to an audience based on a range of different rules and settings. Adding a new custom user profile field and defining a rule based on this would enables you to effectively sync new users into an audience.

Please let me know if you require additional information on this.

Tom WoodTotara Product Support