Best practice forum (Archived)
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Hi Juanita,
I believe there is an upcoming certifications block that would show the certifications at a certain point in time before they were due.
However, the required learning is mandatory and so it's often nice to make it stand out a bit. Have you considered adding a HTML block? In there you can add an image with text on it (created in anything from Photoshop to PowerPoint) that says required learning and you can then make that whole image link to the required learning page url. This is what I've done by using an icon to illustrate it's important/mandatory.
A word of warning, if you do this and the user hasn't got any required learning the string that comes up on the page isn't very user friendly so I went into the language customisation and changed it to say 'you do not have any mandatory learning due at this time' - or something like that.
Hope this gives you some ideas.