Best practice forum (Archived)

External Tool - Consumer Key Query

Michelle Lamont
Re: External Tool - Consumer Key Query
di Michelle Lamont - Thursday, 29 October 2015, 16:13


In case anyone stumbles across the same query I had when trying to setup the External Tool activity, I thought I would share the answer to the question I raised.

The question I had was about the Consumer Key in the External Tool activity and what this is and where the provider would find it.  It's the name that the provider gives the LTI Provider Tool when they set it up on their end.

Pukunui, who support the external organisation I've been working with to get LTI up and running, pointed me in the direction of this great video which explains it quite clearly -

We're still experiencing some difficulty in finalising the LTI setup but we're almost there. Now we're just trying to figure out why the learner's grades aren't coming back to our environment. Seems OK on the provider's end and we've got the required settings selected. If anyone has any ideas or experience in this space, please throw them my way.

Thanks, Michelle