Best practice forum (Archived)

Automatic Assignment of Competencies

John Unnever
Automatic Assignment of Competencies
von John Unnever – Tuesday, 1 December 2015, 12:34 PM
Gruppe Partners
We have been trying to figure out how to automatically assign competencies to a learning plan based on position. The Totara Help states that there is an option that can be checked that will automatically assign by position but it doesn't appear to work as expected. I have checked the box to automatically assign by position that is located under Site Administration > Learning Plans > Manage templates > Template name > Workflow tab > Custom Workflow > Advanced Workflow settings > Competencies. Also, made sure the the position had competencies assigned to it. When my user selects this plan template, the competencies for the position do not automatically assign to the learning plan for the user. Questions I would like to have answered:
1.  Can you automatically assign competencies to a learning plan when a user creates a new learning plan? 
2. Can these competencies be forced to remain on the learning plan and not allow a user to remove them? 
3. Is there a configuration setting that we have not activated?
4. If the answers to these questions are yes, please provide step by step instructions on how to accomplish this. 
Re: Automatic Assignment of Competencies
von George Angus – Tuesday, 1 December 2015, 7:45 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi John,

We have some training videos regarding Learning plans and compentencies here, and here. We have a series of Totara learning playlists you may find useful here

The General Discussion forum isnt an official Totara Support Channel - If you require more specific support you would be best using our Online Helpdesk - this will enable us rapidly respond and  track your request, and crosscheck with any known issues.

