Best practice forum (Archived)

Theme / Branding by audience?

John Unnever
Theme / Branding by audience?
von John Unnever – Tuesday, 19 January 2016, 9:25 AM
Gruppe Partners

Is there a way to display a custom site logo by audience built into the system?  Or should I just write a little if statement where the code to display the logo is?

Re: Theme / Branding by audience?
von George Angus – Thursday, 21 January 2016, 3:04 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi John,

At present it is possible to use custom themes within categories, used in conjunction with Audience visibility it should be possible to arrange what you are looking for.

We are looking at developing this kind of functionality further as mentioned here. There's also some discussion here which might be useful. 

There has been a fair amount of thought on true multi-tenancy, and we are very much aware how popular the idea is. However technically it could require a very significant amount of work. 

hope this is useful,

