Best practice forum (Archived)

Auto Email: Change Password Information

Michelle Lamont
Auto Email: Change Password Information
de Michelle Lamont - Wednesday, 2 de March de 2016, 16:38


Can anyone confirm what action prompts the auto email 'Change password information' to be sent to a user, that contains the following text:

Hi <Name>,

Someone (probably you) has requested a new password for your account on <site name>.

Unfortunately passwords can not be reset on this site, please contact the site administrator,



A couple of our staff have received this auto email and are concerned they received it because they didn't make the request.

They also don't seem to have the ability to request a password change.



Michelle Lamont
Re: Auto Email: Change Password Information
de Michelle Lamont - Wednesday, 2 de March de 2016, 16:41

Actually, think I've figured out that it's the 'Forgotten your username or password' link on the login screen that prompts the email.

Is there anyway you can remove this link from the login screen?  Or, if I wanted to change the wording of the email text, how or where do I do this?

Thanks, MIchelle

Georgina Christodoulou
Re: Auto Email: Change Password Information
de Georgina Christodoulou - Wednesday, 2 de March de 2016, 21:01
Grupo PartnersGrupo TXP Site Administrator

Hi Michelle,

Here's some docs on changing words and phrases within Totara:

Go to: Site administration / > Language / > Language customisation;

Choose the language pack you'd like to edit from the drop down menu;

Click on Open language pack for editing, then click on Continue once the pack has loaded;

Click in the box: Show strings of these components. I usually select all the components by using ctrl + a. It can be tricky to determine where a particular string lives;

In the field Only strings containing: Type in the text you want to change and click on Show strings;

All the strings that contain the text are displayed. You can edit the text in the Local customisation field - be careful of any placeholders.

Click on Save changes to the language pack once you've finished.

Good luck,






Michelle Lamont
Re: Auto Email: Change Password Information
de Michelle Lamont - Thursday, 3 de March de 2016, 21:07

Thanks so much Georgina - great and easy to follow instructions.  I've managed to make the required changes.

Thanks again, Michelle