Best practice forum (Archived)

Filtered reports via main menu

Patrick Staengle
Filtered reports via main menu
de Patrick Staengle - Thursday, 7 de April de 2016, 00:15

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to make reports which are already filtered when accessed available to users via the main menu.

Filtered in this context means for example:

Users can see a report containing only courses

  • from a specific course category (which may include subcategories)
  • tagged with a certain course custom field (Multi-select)

My solution so far:

  1. creating the report using the "courses" report source
  2. enabling the "Course Category (multichoice)" respectively the course custom field in the Standard filter Options
  3. accessing the report, choosing the course category / the course custom field the report needs to be filtered with
  4. saving the search
  5. making the saved search (e.g. /totara/reportbuilder/report.php?id=46&sid=4) available in the main menu using custom access rules
  6. hiding the search bar ("rb-search") and the search control ("rb-search-controls") in the user theme
  7. only courses from the selected course category / course custom field are visible for the user when the report is viewed

Is this a suitable solution? Are there any issues I didn't think of?
Maybe there is even a simpler solution for this :)

