Best practice forum (Archived)

True Multi-tenancy?

John Unnever
True Multi-tenancy?
door John Unnever - Thursday, 25 June 2015, 09:12 AM
Groep Partners

Hello everyone, we are working with Totara to potentially be our organizations new LMS system, however we have multiple customers that we service and in order to provide one system, we need to have a multi-tenant capable platform.  For example, we have customers A, B, C.   We need to allow each company to have administrative accounts to help administer their group, but we need to be able to keep the data separate, company A's admins should not be able to search and view company B's users and learning history etc.   

Does anyone know if there is a solution for this within Totara?  Is Totara working on a solution for this themselves?  We've discussed what "Webanywhere" and "Paradios" have done with their multi-tenancy approaches but they have not been able to fully satisfy our level of multi-tenancy needed.

? ?
Re: True Multi-tenancy?
door ? ? - Monday, 30 May 2016, 12:31 PM

John: This seems to be an old post, but i just came across it. You may have already gone in a different direction, Have you looked at our solution for multi-tenancy with LMScheckout? 

We have created a storefront to Totara that allows companies to manage multiple storefronts that serve contnet from a single Totara account in a spoke and spoke configuration that allows child sites to be able to manage their own group with limited visibility to parent site. 

let me know if this is of any interest to you.