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Question about Declaire Interest in v2.7

? ?
Question about Declaire Interest in v2.7
door ? ? - Wednesday, 18 May 2016, 18:48 PM

Hi everyone, we recently upgraded to v2.7 and learning a few new features on offer.

When a user declare interest in a course, do they normally receive a confirmation message or email or show up somewhere that they have declare or withdraw from interest? And how does facilitator tracks who have declared interest?

At the moment our trainer only knows them when they add/remove attendees in the course. Is it how the feature was designed or are we missing something?

Re: Question about Declaire Interest in v2.7
door George Angus - Wednesday, 18 May 2016, 20:35 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Mei,

If the Trainer (or a user with the appropriate role in the course) navigates to the F2F administration there is a Declared interest report available there, which will display the username, email, date of declared interest & stated reason for interest. If the learner withdraws their interest they no longer appear in the list.

The reason there are no emails sent is because its a dynamic live list which isn't a definitive account of who is actually attending the session, at this stage its notional - the idea being to keep the email messaging system in F2F as straightforward/informative as possible.

Hope this is useful,



? ?
Re: Question about Declaire Interest in v2.7
door ? ? - Wednesday, 18 May 2016, 20:42 PM

Hi George,

Thank you for that. Yes I found the report and it's useful!
