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Wednesday, 13 July 2016, 6:50 AM
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Joby Harding
Re: css setting cariables
von Joby Harding – Wednesday, 13 July 2016, 7:53 AM
Hi Christoph,

Based on Totara 2.9 the CSS setting variable replacement names you're looking for are generated by combining the theme setting names:


with each of the following suffixes:


You will find these listed in the following file / functions:

theme/customtotararesponsive/lib.php theme_customtotararesponsive_process_css()


totara/core/totara.php totara_theme_generate_autocolors()

Let me know if you have any further questions.


Brian Barnes (Core Developer)
Re: css setting cariables
von Brian Barnes (Core Developer) – Wednesday, 13 July 2016, 1:34 PM
Gruppe Totara

Please note that those variables are only used by the Custom Totara responsive theme (and possibly any theme derived from it - I haven't done any testing there). These values are set from Site Administration > Appearance > Themes > Custom Totara Responsive.


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Friday, 15 July 2016, 2:43 AM
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