Best practice forum (Archived)

Enabling blocks for badge views (mybadges.php / badge.php)

Patrick Staengle
Enabling blocks for badge views (mybadges.php / badge.php)
door Patrick Staengle - Friday, 8 April 2016, 01:41 AM

Hello everyone,

I'd like to enable blocks in two bagde views, badges/mybadges.php (badge overview) and badges/badge.php (displays a badge).

I've tried changing the default pagelayout $PAGE->set_pagelayout() to standard, which e.g. in the report builder works just fine for enabling blocks.

Unfortunately, in the badges area, this approach doesn't seem to work.

Any Ideas?


Re: Enabling blocks for badge views (mybadges.php / badge.php)
door George Angus - Sunday, 10 April 2016, 20:59 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Patrick,

This isn't expected behaviour - can you ask your Totara Partner to submit a Support ticket and we will look into it?

many thanks,


Patrick Staengle
Re: Enabling blocks for badge views (mybadges.php / badge.php)
door Patrick Staengle - Monday, 13 June 2016, 01:20 AM

Hi George,

our partner has submitted a Support ticket (

Since this feature is pretty relevant for an upcoming project - are there any news concerning this ticket?
