Best practice forum (Archived)

Report: training hours

Kai Niethammer
Report: training hours
door Kai Niethammer - Tuesday, 2 August 2016, 12:31 PM

Hi all,

is it possible to generate a report that gives us the # of hours learners have spent on training (f2f and eLearning/scorn packages)?

Best regards,


Re: Report: training hours
door George Angus - Tuesday, 2 August 2016, 15:17 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Kai,

It will be possible to report on Seminar sessions (aka f2f) in upcoming Totara v9 using various metrics - including: duration, sign-up period, startdate & enddate.

The problem with recording time spent/duration & eLearning is there is no guarantee the learner has spent the whole time in front of the machine, or even actively using Totara, its very likely any time-based measures will be inaccurate.



? ?
Re: Report: training hours
door ? ? - Tuesday, 2 August 2016, 23:30 PM


This is a common requirement among our clients. As George said, it is difficult to measure real time user has spend on elearning. 

However - in addition to F2F, there are two activities from which there are that kind of data available:

1) In SCORM report source there is a column "SCO total time". So far as I know, this indicates user's total time in specific SCORM attempt. 

2) Quiz module > Results > Time taken column. Measures time user has spend on specific Quiz attempt.

So if there is a single SCORM/Quiz course then it is easy to track data learner has spend on training.

But when course consist of several activities, there is no "hours spend on training" data available. 

We have often solve this common requirement by using course custom field, named it e.g. "Course duration on hours". This data is then added to every course and therefore it is also available in e.g. Course completion report. 

But of course it is only an estimate of time requisite to complete specific course - not real "hours spend on training" data.

Best regards,
- Jani -

Kai Niethammer
Re: Report: training hours
door Kai Niethammer - Monday, 15 August 2016, 06:12 AM

Hi both,

Thank you for your replies and suggestions.

I am going for a different approach. I will add custom course fields to my courses that contain the time expected in training sessions. I will define more than one filed to be able to distinguish between classroom, WBT, self study and virtual classroom time. Will include these fields in a course completion report.

I know this is also not giving exact figures since it only refers to our estimations. But it will allow us to run reports about training amount delivered over a given period of time.


Antje Jung
Re: Report: training hours
door Antje Jung - Thursday, 8 September 2016, 09:08 AM
Groep PartnersGroep TXP Site AdministratorGroep V18 Program Complete
Hi Kai, 

we followed exactly the same approach you describe here. We added different custom fields for different activity duration times. We filled this fields only with numbers (estimated time in hours or minutes). 

Our problem now is that in the course completion reports there is no possibility to sum the numbers of this fields (columns) within the report itseld. Tom explained us that the only possibility is to export the report to Excel and to aggregate the numbers there. Our customers were not very happy when I told this to them. 

So maybe is interesting for you to know that there is a feature request TL-7387 - Ability to aggregate and summarise data in report builder. 

Craig Eves
Re: Report: training hours
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 8 September 2016, 18:45 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Antje

Just to clarify are you meaning the custom fields were created for the course rather than activities. Course activities are not included in report builder sources and activity custom fields aren't able to be created (grades can be created for activities and total course grade can be included in a report builder report) 

It is possible to aggregate/group fields with the report builder. To enable summing of values the custom field needs to be a numeric field. The fields that are available for course custom fields are text or checkbox so summing isn't possible.

One way around this would be to create a custom field with the menu of choices values and use the count aggregation in the course completion report.

This would count the number of users who fit into each category  for the course and the count multiplied by the value.

course report

Produced by count aggregation on Usersfullname (assuming same userfullname doesn't do the same course)


Hope this helps