Best practice forum (Archived)

Program Completions and Deleted/Suspended Users

Steph Wild
Program Completions and Deleted/Suspended Users
על ידי Steph Wild בתאריך 7/03/2017, 02:57
קבוצה Learn Site Administrator


We have recently come across a couple of oddities with Program completions:

We wanted to run a report which just showed us the Program completions for staff assigned to one particular program - what we found was that we couldn't filter it to 'assigned users only' and it brought up all completions for any staff who had completed it.

This left us with two issues:

  • We had 'active' users who had moved role and completed the learning in their previous role, these staff had to be identified and then removed from the report.
  • The report also displayed staff who had been either suspended or deleted from the system, these staff also had to be removed from the report.

Is there any way we can apply a filter for 'assigned users' only to Program reports like you can with Certifications with would be really helpful.

Also, I thought when you deleted a user you deleted all their history.

Thanks for your help with this.


Craig Eves
Re: Program Completions and Deleted/Suspended Users
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 7/03/2017, 14:21
קבוצה Totara

Hi Steph

I tried latest version of Totara 9 and there is a filter by user Status and Active users only (this excludes Suspended and deleted users).

The other filter for users who moved role - are you meaning they have changed position or organisation .  If it is position then there is a Position filter - this would be the last position the user had so filtering by this wouldn't include user's in their original position.

What version of Totara are you using?

program completion report


Steph Wild
Re: Program Completions and Deleted/Suspended Users
על ידי Steph Wild בתאריך 8/03/2017, 01:28
קבוצה Learn Site Administrator

Hi Craig,

We are using 2.9.13 at the moment with no date planned to move to version 9.

In terms of moving role it could be a change in position or a change in organisation, we have staff who change positions e.g. from a clerical officer to a medical secretary but we also have staff who keep the same position (e.g. staff nurse) but move in our hierarchy eg from a medical ward to a care of the elderly ward. 

What would really be useful is a 'Currently Assigned' filter which would cover all scenarios.


? ?
Re: Program Completions and Deleted/Suspended Users
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 8/03/2017, 23:42

Hi Craig

We are using the same version as Steph and I would support her request as this would be really useful to us to, having staff in the same scenario.


פרסום זה הוסר
9/03/2017, 00:39
פרסום זה הוסר ואינו זמין יותר.
Nathan Lewis
Re: Program Completions and Deleted/Suspended Users
על ידי Nathan Lewis בתאריך 9/03/2017, 12:39
קבוצה Totara

Hi everyone.

You could check out the Program Membership report source. It was designed specifically for use in the Program Completion Editor, so it might not have some of the other fields you want, but it might help you in this situation.


פרסום זה הוסר
10/03/2017, 01:17
פרסום זה הוסר ואינו זמין יותר.