Best practice forum (Archived)

Certification reporting

Katherine Rayn
Certification reporting
door Katherine Rayn - Monday, 3 November 2014, 00:07 AM
Groep Partners


Just noticed there is no report source for Certification Completion? Are there plans for this?

Ideally it would need to include:

  • User information
  • Certification information
    • Certification Name
    • Completion Date
    • Expiry date
    • Recert Window Opens



? ?
Re: Certification reporting
door ? ? - Monday, 3 November 2014, 14:57 PM

Hi Nikki. Wondering if you have tried the "Record of Learning: Certifications" report source.


I think that might do what you need.


Katherine Rayn
Re: Certification reporting
door Katherine Rayn - Wednesday, 10 December 2014, 13:56 PM
Groep Partners

Hi Lori 

Thank you - that does have what I was after. I am surprised that Certifications isn't like Prgrams and Courses and have a record of learning source and a other source.

Thank you