Best practice forum (Archived)

Scheduled Reports -

Michelle Lamont
Scheduled Reports -
על ידי Michelle Lamont בתאריך 4/05/2017, 18:58


I have a question about Scheduling Reports.  We're on Totara v2.9.18.

First, is it possible to remove the ability from users to setup a Scheduled Report to send to external users, i.e. remove the 'External users email' field from the 'add scheduled report' screen?

Also, I thought if you could setup a Scheduled Report that the report would automatically send to yourself once you setup the report and the schedule and click save changes.  In the testing I've done, this particular user can't save changes unless they add an external email address (see attached screen shot).  In this case I don't want to add an external email address (in fact I want to remove this ability from some users - hence above question), I just want the report to send to me.  Do I need to put my work email address in the external users email field?

Perhaps I've missed a permission or a setting? I have stumbled across a couple of posts about scheduling reports and an enhancement request, but I've not been able to find anything that answers these questions.



Craig Eves
Re: Scheduled Reports -
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 4/05/2017, 20:34
קבוצה Totara

Hi Michelle

There is an existing feature TL-9269 to add a permission to create a scheduled report - a role with this permission prevented wouldn't be able to create a scheduled report. This is a bit different than what you are asking about but it has the same effect. 

The scheduled report used to automatically be sent to yourself - but now this needs to be explicitly done. There is also a feature request TL-8783 The Author of a scheduled report should have clear option to be included in emailed report.
