Best practice forum (Archived)

Essentials Theme with Totara Menu

? ?
Essentials Theme with Totara Menu
par ? ?, Wednesday 8 October 2014, 23:33

Hi Everyone,

We are in the process of upgrading a site from an old version of Moodle to Totara so we can make use of its great functions. However, our site design is heavily dependent on the Essentials Theme as we like the slideshow, and other customisation functionalities of it.

Is there anyone here who has a grasp on how to make the dynamic Totara Menu appear using the essentials theme? We are using the version 2.6.10. Thank you!

Brian Barnes (Core Developer)
Re: Essentials Theme with Totara Menu
par Brian Barnes (Core Developer), Sunday 12 October 2014, 19:00
Groupe Totara

Hi Lorence,

In the page layouts for the essentials theme, you will need to add lines similar to:

$menudata = totara_build_menu();
$totara_core_renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('totara_core');
$totaramenu = $totara_core_renderer->print_totara_menu($menudata);

and "echo $totaramenu;" where you would like it displayed. Please note that you may also need to have a number of CSS declarations to display correctly.

Kind Regards,

Brian Barnes