Best practice forum (Archived)

course completion

John Roughley
course completion
door John Roughley - Friday, 25 March 2011, 05:46 AM

I'm getting a bit confused with what I need to do in the Gradebook when using course completion.

I have three activities in my course to be completed in the following order; scorm, quiz and questionnaire.

The scorm has no pass mark as such, I just want all the pages to have been viewed before a student can see and attempt the quiz. This works to a point, students can only see the quiz once all pages have been viewed, but, there is still the cross in the topic outline instead of the tick as I expected.

I then have a quiz with an 80% pass feedback, what do I need to do in the gradebook to show this as complete and show the questionnaire. And what am I doing wrong in the scorm element?

Sorry for the long post!



Craig Eves
Re: course completion
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 27 March 2011, 13:09 PM
Groep Totara

Hi John

Each activity has an Activity Completion section (turn editing on > update ) where you can set the completion criteria. The criteria available are

  • activity needs to be viewed
  • user must receive a grade
  • expect to be completed on a date

The activity will be marked as completed when the selected conditions are met. The completion status will be passed through to the gradebook.

There is also an option for manual completion of activiities if you can't make a rule that fits the criteria above.

You don't need to do anything in the gradebook to activate this.
