Best practice forum (Archived)

Grading a Face-to-Face session

Grading a Face-to-Face session
?? 发表于 2011年04月4日 Monday 19:40

We are planning to use the Face-to-Face activity to schedule Practical assessment sessions for our staff on a particular course.

Is there a way to grade students on completing this Face-to-Face assessment session?

Ideally a trainer/instructor would log into Totara/Moodle and mark the face-to-face session for each individual student as complete and/or assigning them a grade.

Is this possible? if so, how would we achieve this?

I tried setting the Face-to-face activity to have a completion conditond where they require a grade, but then i couldn't figure out how to assign a grade for a face-to-face session



Austen Sinclair
Re: Grading a Face-to-Face session
SinclairAusten 发表于 2011年04月4日 Monday 20:07
小组 Partners小组 TXP Site Administrator

Hi Ira

We do a similar thing here at IRD.  The trick is that the F2F activity passes a grade value: 0% for no-show, 50% for partial attendance, and 100% for fully attended - when the attendance is taken for the learner.

Notes in passing; we generally we track F2F attendance separately from course completions, and have you met/been in contact with the NZ Police - who are uses of Moodle?




Re: Grading a Face-to-Face session
?? 发表于 2011年04月4日 Monday 20:33

How did you implement that or is it built in already?

We do have contacts with NZ Police's Moodle people, have they implemented a similar functionality for the F2F activity?



Austen Sinclair
Re: Grading a Face-to-Face session
SinclairAusten 发表于 2011年04月4日 Monday 20:43
小组 Partners小组 TXP Site Administrator

Hi Ira

Apparently, the F2F passing a grade is built in (although, best to check in your own install)

Our NZ Police guy is and my guess he'd like to hear from like minded Moodlers :)



Craig Eves
Re: Grading a Face-to-Face session
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2011年04月4日 Monday 21:28
小组 Totara

Hi Ira

Yes the grading for the F2F activity is available in totaralms with the same attendance grading functionality as described by Austen.

You can try this out on on one of the face to face courses, if you take the attendance and look at the grade report you should see these percentages.


Craig Eves
Re: Grading a Face-to-Face session
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2011年04月4日 Monday 21:39
小组 Totara

Hi Ira

As an aside it is also possible to create a custom field for a face to face activity which can be included in a report using the report builder. This custom field could hold different such as location, cost etc

To do this

Site Administration Menu > Plugins > Activities > Face-to-face.

Create a new custom field