Best practice forum (Archived)

HTML editor

Christian Sawade
HTML editor
על ידי Christian Sawade בתאריך 21/03/2011, 02:45


I encountered a few recurrent issues with the HTML editor and globally I find it diffuct to handle. For example the display in the editor is not representative of the final look: For example spaces between paragraphs look very differently in the editor and in the final display.

Also I noticed that whenever you change the font to something else than the default font and then change, let say, the font color, then the color will be changed but the font will automatically go back to the default one (same thing for the size).

So I'm wrondering if there are any other users facing the same troubles?

Also, is the editor optimized for a particular browser? (I faced the above types of problems with IE and Chrome)


Craig Eves
Re: HTML editor
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 21/03/2011, 14:06
קבוצה Totara

Hi Christian

The default HTML editor is based on TinyMCE - this adds extra functionality and works on more browsers but also has some parts that don't work well in some browsers.

In my experience Firefox , followed by IE8, 9 , Safari work well.

Chrome does have some issues so should be avoided.

You may be interested to know that newer versions of Totara (using Moodle 2.0) will allow additional text editors to be installed - so you could install your favourite editor.







Simon Coggins
Re: HTML editor
על ידי Simon Coggins בתאריך 21/03/2011, 15:22
קבוצה Totara

Hi Christian,

As Craig mentions, the editor we are using is called TinyMCE, which is a separate project in it's own right:

We included the code some time ago, so there may be some new bug fixes that we haven't yet integrated into Totara. I've created a bug to merge in the latest version, and hopefully that will fix the issues that you're seeing.

If not we'll take a look ourselves and try to get it working better.

Thanks for the examples of issues you are having, feel free to post anymore that you come across.
