Best practice forum (Archived)

HTML Editor - Table insert

HTML Editor - Table insert
SawadeChristian 发表于 2011年03月17日 Thursday 04:33


My company has recently subscribed to TOTARA. As part of the implementation of the system for a training project, I want to create nice tables on the course front page ... However I've been spending days trying to insert a table from the HTML and I didn't even managed to add a single cell.

Can anyone help on how to use the "Insert/Modify Table" interface?



Re: HTML Editor - Table insert
RoughleyJohn 发表于 2011年03月17日 Thursday 09:09

Hey Christian

If you are in html mode you need to insert the appropriate code for the table. In the normal text editor just click the "Inserts a new table" button on the bottom toolbar and a new window will open that allows you to select the number of row/columns etc.


Re: HTML Editor - Table insert
SawadeChristian 发表于 2011年03月17日 Thursday 18:19

Hi John,

Thanks for the reply.

I found the origin of my problem: In normal text editor, the pop-up "Inserts a new table" does not work when running TOTARA on Google Chrome browser.

I tried to insert a table when running TOATARA on IE and it worked fine.


Re: HTML Editor - Table insert
CogginsSimon 发表于 2011年03月17日 Thursday 18:33
小组 Totara

Hi Christian,

I've confirmed that is a bug, and created a ticket for it. We'll try and get it fixed as soon as possible.

Thanks for the report, and tracking down the cause!


Re: HTML Editor - Table insert
CogginsSimon 发表于 2011年03月17日 Thursday 18:59
小组 Totara

I've fixed this bug now - the fix will appear in the next Totara release, Version 1.0.4 due out Tuesday 22nd March.
