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? ?
Re: Totara Update
von ? ? – Tuesday, 30 September 2014, 8:46 PM

Hi Gareth,

Apparently you are a direct subscriber that is hosting the Totara instance on your own servers. Other routes are to have a Totara Partner managing your installation, or become a Cloud customer?

If a Partner is managing the installation then they will take care of upgrades. Cloud sites are all on 2.6 and are automatically updated every few weeks. Anyone doing self-hosting direct installations should really have an IT department to take care of this kind of thing - the instructions for upgrading are in a file called UPGRADE.txt in the root folder of the zip files.

You can find out which version you are currently running by logging in as admin and going to the Site Administration -> Notifications page, it'll be underneath the Totara logo. 2.5 is the previous branch, it receives bug fixes and security fixes around every month, 2.6 is the current branch which receives updates every 2 weeks.

Someone will be in touch with you shortly regarding any training needs you may have.