Best practice forum (Archived)

Learning Plan - plan progress calculation

Craig Eves
Learning Plan - plan progress calculation
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 3 de April de 2011, 17:07
Grupo Totara

When viewing a Team members Plans the status of each of the staff learning plan is shown in the Status column.

For example in and the Learner User's Learning plan shows the Plan progess status as

62.5% 0/4 Courses complete, 4 in Progress, 0/1 objectives met, 3/3 Competencies achieved.

This is useful information but I was wondering how is this figure is calculated ? it seems an odd number.

It would be good  to take the priority of the tasks into this calculation.



Simon Coggins
Re: Learning Plan - plan progress calculation
de Simon Coggins - Sunday, 3 de April de 2011, 17:27
Grupo Totara

It is the number of complete items divided by the total number of items, with courses that are 'In progress' counting as half complete.

So in this case:

0 complete courses = 0

4 in progress courses = 4 * 0.5

0 objectives met = 0

3 competencies achieved = 3

8 items in total

Progress = (0 + 2 + 0 + 3) / 8 = 62.5%

How would you propose that the priority would alter progress?

I'm not sure that it makes sense as the bar is indicating progress, not importance of the tasks.


Craig Eves
Re: Learning Plan - plan progress calculation
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 3 de April de 2011, 18:33
Grupo Totara

Thanks for an explanation of the calculation.

I was thinking if someone has completed the 180 hour course and was in progress for a 10 hour course should they have the same progress as someone who has completed the 10 hour and in progress for the 180 hour course.

The higher priority could be given to the 180 course and this could be given a numerical weighting.


eg the 180 hour course could have a weighting factor of 1.4

1 complete courses * 1.4 (priority weighting factor) =

1 in progress courses = 1 * 0.5 * 0.6 (priority weighting factor)

0 objectives met = 0

3 competencies achieved = 3

8 items in total

Progress = (1.4 + 0.3 + 0 + 3) / 8 = 58.75%


1 complete courses * 0.6 (priority weighting factor) =

1 in progress courses = 1 * 0.5* 1.4 (priority weighting factor)

0 objectives met = 0

3 competencies achieved = 3

8 items in total

Progress = (0.6 + 0.7 + 0 + 3) / 8 = 53.75%


You would have to make sure that the % doesn't go above 100% so would  require the weighting factor to be applied to the total number of items too.

Simon Coggins
Re: Learning Plan - plan progress calculation
de Simon Coggins - Sunday, 3 de April de 2011, 19:25
Grupo Totara

The problem is course duration doesn't necessarily reflect the importance of the course (priority). 'Health & Safety' might be a 5 minute course but of crucial importance!

I think we should avoid mixing the concept of priority with course duration - they serve very different purposes.

Weighting by course duration actually would make sense, but we don't currently have a consistent way of measuring course duration so there's no way to do that.

Another problem is that scales are user defined, so how would you know how much weight to assign to each scale value?

Craig Eves
Re: Learning Plan - plan progress calculation
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 3 de April de 2011, 20:51
Grupo Totara

The course duration was an example - the priority scale is user defined so would be given a weighting to how important the items are considered in the learning plan

The weighting would be assigned a numeric value (out of 100) which would be used to multiply the learning plan item to get an overall progress the same way as individual assessments are weighted and multiplied to get an overall course mark.




Simon Coggins
Re: Learning Plan - plan progress calculation
de Simon Coggins - Sunday, 3 de April de 2011, 22:01
Grupo Totara

Are you talking about the numeric score field in the priority scale values?

I suppose it's possible that they could be used in that way, but:

  • That requires additional configuration by an administrator to set up the priority scale value numeric scores
  • It makes the progress indicator even more confusing, because there is no clear relationship between completing items and plan progress. The user will have no way of seeing the 'weight' behind each course





Craig Eves
Re: Learning Plan - plan progress calculation
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 4 de April de 2011, 14:00
Grupo Totara

The intention was to give a more realistic picture of the actual progress against the learning plan so managers can quickly assess if someone is falling behind.

Managers would probably go into the course details from their team learning plans  if they want to find out more on staff progress so it is not a major issue.

The suggested weighted solution also needs to be less confusing, easier to implement and needs to be requested by menagers before it is possibly developed.


Simon Coggins
Re: Learning Plan - plan progress calculation
de Simon Coggins - Monday, 11 de April de 2011, 21:13
Grupo Totara

Following on from this discussion, we've decided to remove the 0.5 weight for an in progress course from the plan progress bar. That simplifies the bar to be:

(complete courses + complete competencies + compete objectives) / total number of items

Hopefully that will make it more transparent to the end user until we implement something more advanced.
