Best practice forum (Archived)

Upload Courses

Susan Neumans Van Buren
Upload Courses
de Susan Neumans Van Buren - Friday, 24 de October de 2014, 13:44

First off, I'm a new user of Totara. Please also forgive me if this has been asked and answered. I couldn't find a thread in the discussions that answered my specific question.

I am attempting to setup Totara. FYI, I've already added the organizational, position, and user information using TotaraSync. In an attempt to make uploading historic training data from our existing training management database easier, I am attempted to upload a few courses using the Upload Courses feature. Not having found a template or a list with naming protocols, I created the following headers for the .csv file I'm using to import (or attempt to import): 


I keep receiving an error message "Could not resolve category by ID"

I have tried a variety of things in the id column. Including the category id into which I wish the courses to reside, leaving it blank, and a lowercase version of the short name. So far nothing is working. I've also tried setting the Upload Mode and Update Mode to each of the different choices to see if that would fix it. So far that has not worked either. Any advice, please?


? ?
Re: Upload Courses
de ? ? - Friday, 24 de October de 2014, 13:56

Hi Susan, Totara is looking for the category # in this column. For example, the category # for the miscellaneous category =1, and any categories created after that are incremented. When you click on a category, you'll see something like ...course/index.php?categoryid=1. That's the # to include in the file.

Susan Neumans Van Buren
Re: Upload Courses
de Susan Neumans Van Buren - Friday, 24 de October de 2014, 14:22


Thank you for the quick response! It worked. One additional question, where might I have found information in the help files on this? I searched in vain, which is why I asked here. 

Thank you, again.

Best regards,


? ?
Re: Upload Courses
de ? ? - Friday, 24 de October de 2014, 14:43

Happy to help!

Here's the link to the help documentation-


Susan Neumans Van Buren
Re: Upload Courses
de Susan Neumans Van Buren - Friday, 24 de October de 2014, 14:53

Thank you.