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Simon Coggins
Re: SCORM Tracking and bookmarking
door Simon Coggins - Sunday, 16 October 2011, 17:27 PM
Groep Totara

I'm not really an expert on SCORM but I'll do my best to answer.

- Ability to bookmark lessons of interest

I think you would need some custom code to do this.

- Ability to save the state of the lesson to return to a previous point

I think this is what already happens by default, although it may depend on how the scorm package has been written.

- Ability to track progress through the course and see which lessons have been completed

This can be done using activity completion/course completion. Have a look at the "Activity Completion" settings within the module settings page. You can require that the user views the activity, gets a certain grade, or gets a certain status. You can then set up course completion within the course settings to use activity completion as one of the course completion criteria.

- Ability to track users time in a module and verify that the entire lesson was attended.

The total time can be tracked using the SCORM report source. To verify the whole lesson was attended could be done by only setting the scorm status to complete when everything has been viewed, then using activity completion.
