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Wednesday 11 June 2014, 05:39
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Re: The New Enhance Course Catalog Shows Archived Courses
par George Angus, Wednesday 11 June 2014, 16:01
Groupe Totara

Hi Alan,

This is a bug and Ive filed a bug report, hopefully it can be resolved quickly - thanks for spotting. The best workaround in the meantime would be to use Audience-based visibility, it can be enabled under Advanced settings.



Re: The New Enhance Course Catalog Shows Archived Courses
par George Angus, Wednesday 11 June 2014, 16:59
Groupe Totara

Hi Alan,

Under the "Enable audience-based visibility" setting there is a warning: "Enabling this setting will change the visibility of courses, programs and certifications across the whole site - the existing "Visibility" setting and the "viewhiddencourses" capability will no longer apply, so courses, programs and certifications that are currently hidden may become visible."

Can you tell me if this is the case with your site?




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Thursday 12 June 2014, 08:41
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Friday 13 June 2014, 05:07
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Re: The New Enhance Course Catalog Shows Archived Courses
par George Angus, Sunday 15 June 2014, 15:16
Groupe Totara

Hi Alan,


 Thanks! There was some discussion at this end, and I saw the reply!




Oleg Demeshev
Re: The New Enhance Course Catalog Shows Archived Courses
par Oleg Demeshev, Wednesday 17 December 2014, 16:06
Groupe Totara
Hi Alan,
A fix for this issue has been included in Totara which was released on 18 December 2014.
Please let us know if you have any further issues.

Totara Product Support