Best practice forum (Archived)

Role assignment not working fine

Zhen Yun
Role assignment not working fine
di Zhen Yun - Sunday, 20 November 2011, 18:59


I have two role, course administrator and course creator.

course administrator have all the permissions

and cuorse creator only can create course.

the problem is I can assign a normal staff as course creator, but I can't assign the user as a course administrator, the changes have been updated. but if I login as the user who has been assign as CA. I can't see tha administrator block in main page, and this user don't have any admin's permission.

i have two applications, one is in server, one is in my local and also two database. this problem only happened at my server. in my local it works fine. but the codes are same.

so how can i check the problem, or any configration or the need to check the data in database?

sorry for my poor Engilsh.


Craig Eves
Re: Role assignment not working fine
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 20 November 2011, 19:38
Gruppo Totara

Hi Zhen Yun

Have you created these roles yourself - Totara has the Editing Trainer (equivalent to course administrator) and Trainer (equivalent to course creator). You could use these and adjust the settings rather than creating them from scratch as there are a lot of settings to go through.

Its probably not a good idea to have too many people with all permissions as course administrator role - this is usually the administrator role (system administrator)

If you can't assign a user to be a courses administrator - check the Role Assignment tab (users > Permissions > Define roles) to see that the role you are logged in as is allowed to do this.

The role permissions may have been changed on the server without your knowledge - it may pay to copy this over from the local site again once you have this set up and working again.


Simon Coggins
Re: Role assignment not working fine
di Simon Coggins - Sunday, 20 November 2011, 19:52
Gruppo Totara

One possibility is that you are assigning the role in the wrong context. Moodle has a slightly complex context system that gives a lot of flexibility but can be confusing. Here's the moodle documentation on it:

To give admin access you need to assign the role in the system context, whereas you may be assigning the course creator role in a course context (via Assign Roles on the course page).

Can you confirm that you are assigning the administrator role like this:

Click Site Admin > Users > Permissions > Assign System Roles

Click 'Administator', then select users to add.

If that's what you did, the other thing to check is that the administrator role has the right capabilities:

Click Site Admin > Users > Permisions > Define Roles

Click the edit button next to 'Administrator'

Make sure the appropriate capabilities are set to 'Allow' and save.
