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create modinfo for section

Zhen Yun
create modinfo for section
על ידי Zhen Yun בתאריך 8/01/2012, 17:35


I need autocreate a mod: questionnaire. I already insert the value in course_modules, course_sections, but where is the function to create a modinfo like this:



in course table?

? ?
Re: create modinfo for section
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 8/01/2012, 18:24

Hi Zhen,

If autocreating from a PHP script, you could use something like the following:

$modinfo = serialize(get_array_of_activities($course->id));

Which makes use of  a function in course/lib.php. Hope that helps,

Zhen Yun
Re: create modinfo for section
על ידי Zhen Yun בתאריך 8/01/2012, 21:46

Got it, thanks very much!