Best practice forum (Archived)

Approval Alerts

Craig Eves
Re: Approval Alerts
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 26 de February de 2012, 14:50
Grupo Totara

Hi Kirk

The manager should get a new task on their dashboard that one of their team requires their learning plan approved.

The team member needs to click on the Request approval link on their learning plan. This enables the learning plan to be worked on until ready for approval.

The approval request will also be emailed to the manager - provided the manager has email notifications for tasks set in their profile and they have selected Email activated on their profile too.

The email will contain a link to the learning plan for the manager to approve.(I approved this but this doesn't seem to trigger a task alert)

Hopefully this helps - if you are still not getting an email then we will have to get more details on your system.
