Best practice forum (Archived)

Large SMS intergration

Large SMS intergration
?? 发表于 2012年06月12日 Tuesday 21:49

Hi all, 

Just wondering if Totara can support the intergration of 5 different student management systems(SMS), for student enrollment and lesson enrollment. 

Also, when it came to reporting on students who have completed lessons and quiz's, can the reporting features seperate and report on users from each different SMS.

This is just a brief description and if more is needed, please do let me know. 



Re: Large SMS intergration
CogginsSimon 发表于 2012年06月19日 Tuesday 15:56
小组 Totara

Hi Matt,

It should be possible, but it would probably require custom development work.

For the reporting, the easiest way would be to add a custom user profile field 'SMS' (which could be hidden from the student). Each SMS would import their users with a different value in the field, which would then be available to report builder for reporting purposes.
