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Scorm completion reports

? ?
Scorm completion reports
de ? ? - Friday, 10 de August de 2012, 08:55

I'm struggling to diagnose a problem with a scorm course.

It is proving very difficult to correlate scorm reports with course reports.

I can produce a scorm report which includes "SCO Status" and "SCO Score" which show all sorts of mixed results such as 90 or 100% score  (with a pass supposedly set at 80%) yet with status of passed, failed or incomplete. But I can't include course completion data in the same report in order to compare what the SCO and the LMS are seeing. Is that right or have I missed something?

One confusing issue is that I know that scorm is supposed to have two fields for passed/failed and complete/incomplete yet these seem to be run together as SCO Status in some apparently arbitrary way (and I even have a couple of SCO Status = Browsed ... whatever that means!).

Dan Marsden
Re: Scorm completion reports
de Dan Marsden - Monday, 13 de August de 2012, 16:16

Hi Alan,

I'm not sure what you mean about 2 fields for passed/failed - SCORM 1.2 has a var called "lesson_status" which can have any of the following values "passed,completed,failed,incomplete,browsed" - these values are set by your SCORM package and the report just displays whichever value has been set.

On entry to a SCORM package there are some radio buttons which allow the user to  set whether to enter the SCORM in "browse" mode or "normal" mode - this is part of the SCORM standard however Moodle gives you the option to remove the "browse"  button on the entry page. It's up to your SCORM package how to act in browse and normal modes.

The report should be showing the SCORM packages "lesson_status" value in the Sco Status field - what are the 2 values you are expecting to see?

I'm not sure why the SCORM reportbuilder source doesn't allow you to include course completion data but this may be something the Totara team could add in future?

? ?
Re: Scorm completion reports
de ? ? - Tuesday, 14 de August de 2012, 02:47

I haven't looked lately but when I was watching the messages in debugging mode a while back I noticed the scorm was sending lesson_status values either passed or failed (I didn't see other values but that doesn't preclude them of course); it was also sending complete_status (or similar) with values complete or incomplete.

Dan Marsden
Re: Scorm completion reports
de Dan Marsden - Tuesday, 14 de August de 2012, 14:06

ah - completion_status is a SCORM 2004 field - Moodle/Totara doesn't provide full support for SCORM 2004 yet so the marking/scoring may not function as expected.

There are over 180 ADL tests that verify SCORM 2004 compliance and Moodle currently only passes 1 of those tests.

Ideally you should be using SCORM 1.2 packages if possible however some SCORM 2004 packages will work ok in Moodle/Totara.

More information on supported versions is available here: 

? ?
Re: Scorm completion reports
de ? ? - Friday, 17 de August de 2012, 02:16
Thanks Dan, that's very helpful.