Best practice forum (Archived)

Certificate / Course Expiry

? ?
Certificate / Course Expiry
di ? ? - Wednesday, 5 September 2012, 02:24
A customer has asked what seems an obvious question/scenario which must come up often but for which I don't see an easy answer.
Essentially the programs they provide finish with a certificate which is valid for a certain period after which a learner must re-take the course/program. Managers should have access to a report on certificate expiry; learners should be emailed a reminder in good time that they need to re-certify.
It looks like a Recurring Course in a Program is the official answer. In which case it seems a bit limited with only one course allowed in such a program. Though maybe the thinking is that whatever learning was required is probably not required again, only the certification part; so initially they would need two programs - one with the learning material and one (recurring) program for certification. Is that right? Is it the best or only way?
Another customer also just asked me "How does a manager see his/her students' certificates and is there a report for that?" The answers seem far from straightforward but for many managers apparently this is almost all they are interested in!
Can we build a report which lists/links certificates along with grades?
(At the moment it seems that managers must be assigned the Trainer role in the appropriate course so that this course is available to them to enter the certificate activity and "view issued certificates". Very long-winded and easy to get lost amongst a mixture of course and program assignments.)
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? ?
Re: Certificate / Course Expiry
di ? ? - Monday, 10 September 2012, 08:54

Thanks Amir.

In a broader scope that is more-or-less what I was asking and certificates can be fitted in at a lower level. I need to find out more about Competencies, but the very word pretty well sums up what we're after:

People in a job role need to be competent in certain things, they need proof/validation and this needs periodic renewal. An important point in that thread is that this must be user-centred i.e. on the day that a user completes required training the system must register that after a certain period from that date the competency must be renewed by that user.