Best practice forum (Archived)

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Craig Eves
Re: Need clarity in attendance
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 17 September 2012, 14:45
Gruppo Totara

Hi Murali

To see who has been assigned the Trainer role in a course you can go into the Find Courses and if the course has a Trainer assigned to it they will be listed beneath the course name.

To assign a Trainer to a course - you will need to login as an admin and select the course.

Select the Course Administration block and select the Assign Roles menu.

Select the (Editing) Trainer role and select the users from the right hand column and Add to the left hand column. This can also be done through the Bulk upload of users and adding the role type 2

The trainer does not need to accept being added into the trainer role

The attendees are visible to the trainer by clicking on the session name - and there is a link for attendees . There will be a link for attendance when the session date has past.

