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'dashboard' page missing (my Team)

Kyle Egan
'dashboard' page missing (my Team)
par Kyle Egan, Monday 24 September 2012, 22:09
Hey I have noticed the 'dashboard' page that appears on the totara demo site is not under 'my Team' tab in 2.2. Any thoughts? I like the way the stats block and quick links are on there.
? ?
Re: 'dashboard' page missing (my Team)
par ? ?, Monday 24 September 2012, 22:23
The Dashboard in 1.1 no longer exists in 2.2 but all the functionality still exists, mostly as blocks on the My Learning page.
Kyle Egan
Re: 'dashboard' page missing (my Team)
par Kyle Egan, Monday 24 September 2012, 22:32
Thanks. I thought this might be the case. My learning just seems like a weird place to put stats for your team.
Kyle Egan
Re: 'dashboard' page missing (my Team)
par Kyle Egan, Monday 24 September 2012, 22:57
Where is everyone else putting these key blocks now? My Reports?
? ?
Re: 'dashboard' page missing (my Team)
par ? ?, Tuesday 25 September 2012, 03:52

Hi Kyle,

I haven't got a feel for what everyone is doing yet, or what patterns of use are there with 2.2. but you could go to My Team and turn editing on then add the Statistic block in there, which puts in the:

"In the last 30 days your team has...." high level stats.

Would welcome any comments from others.


Re: 'dashboard' page missing (my Team)
par George Angus, Wednesday 26 September 2012, 15:10
Groupe Totara


I think the stats block can only be turned on in My Learning as My Team has only a report.



Kyle Egan
Re: 'dashboard' page missing (my Team)
par Kyle Egan, Wednesday 26 September 2012, 17:19
Yes this is my understanding it would be good if the My Team had blocks. I have had to put it in My Learning for now.