Best practice forum (Archived)

Course completion status when “no show”

? ?
Course completion status when “no show”
par ? ?, Thursday 1 November 2012, 05:01


We have had some employees who have been booked onto a session and that haven't attended.

The date for the course has passed and I changed the status to "No show".

I then got the note that all the sessions are shown as "completed" on the course details page of the employee.  Surely this is incorrect as the employee did not attend, so how can it show "completed"?

Can anyone help with this.

We are currently waiting upgrade to Totara 2.2.

Many Thanks


Re: Course completion status when “no show”
par George Angus, Thursday 1 November 2012, 19:39
Groupe Totara

Hi Michelle,

Have you checked the Course Completion Settings - there is a Manual Self completion box which can be enabled. It would be worth checking the Completion tracking too in the Face to Face settings.

