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Austen Sinclair
Re: Policies on e-learning at home
von Austen Sinclair – Wednesday, 7 November 2012, 2:56 PM
Gruppe PartnersGruppe TXP Site AdministratorGruppe V18 Program Complete

Hi Jan

This is a really good question and really interested in other responses.

We've been thinking about this in our organisation - although our focus has been on our formal online courses but accessed via personal smart phone/tablet.

For us, our current practice has been based on our policies for accessing work email via remote devices/personal computers. If you are required to be on-call then this reflected in your renumation/working hours agreement.  If you are not required to be on-call we can enable (but not require, nor pay/time) for remote access to email/desktop.

At the moment this is working - and it's managers who are the ones who generally have personal tables in the workplace/travle/home. I can see that in a few years it will be more common for all staff and the risk is that usage will move from 'enable' to 'require'. But, we're not there yet.


Tony Richens
Re: Policies on e-learning at home
von Tony Richens – Thursday, 8 November 2012, 1:12 AM

Hi Austen,

It does sound as though your team is engaging well with the content and Totara if you are finding they are accessing eLearning from home!

A couple of further questions / considerations in-relation to your question:

- How are staff currently 'credited' for undertaking non-eLearning-based training? An increase in remuneration? A record logged and reviewed at appraisal time? Some other ‘soft’ benefit?

- Do you knowledge check as part of the eLearning via an assessment of some type? (After all, going through some eLearning doesn't necessarily mean the Learner has understood or 'absorbed' the content!)


A final Q, how has your organisation managed to increase the uptake / use of eLearning out of the office?

